RSGM UMY is a dental hospital that serves the areas of service, education and research. The service activities at Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto No.17A, Pakuncen, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta City are equipped with primary, secondary and tertiary dental equipment with excellent service standards and supporting services that include laboratory, radiology and processing material laboratory.

RSGM UMY is a suggestion and clinical education facility for family doctors who need it, many obstacles have been encountered if this is done in puskesmas or BP / BPR. The existence of RSGM UMY can be a supporter of the smooth teaching and learning process and academic activities PSKK FK UMY.

Media needs to train and improve clinical skills for prospective dentists, ask the university to provide a comprehensive practice site and represent all parts of the dental laboratory. RSGM UMY makes simbool a quality assurance form of UMY dentistry graduates as ready-to-use human resources because it is fully prepared in terms of clinical skills as well as management aspect as a potential health manager.

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