Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Preparing Early Dental & Oral Health Conditions

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  • Preparing Early Dental & Oral Health Conditions

Dental growth begins with the formation of milk teeth or deciduous teeth that have begun when the fetus is 14 weeks in the womb. It is important to know how to keep the teeth and mouth of the mother in the masakehamilan so that the baby is born has a healthy and perfect teeth.

Ensuring the condition of the mother to have healthy teeth and gums before pregnancy can reduce the risk of dental disease and other complications. In addition, regularly maintaining early oral hygiene before pregnancy supports routine care that has worked well, uninterrupted or disconnected in the first months of pregnancy and after delivery. This needs to be done given the possibility that in early pregnancy, the mother will be more tired and may forget the routine of dental and mouth care. It is advisable to visit a dentist before pregnancy because a visit to the dentist will be easier to do before or after the mother experienced the period of morning sickness (nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy that usually occurs in the morning)

During pregnancy, keeping the nutritional intake of pregnant women’s food has a goal to make the tooth seeds in infants in the womb is perfectly formed. The necessary nutritional intake of foods includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D, fluoride and calcium are needed to form or build teeth and bones. The principle of dental and oral health should be started since the child is in the womb.

Avoid foods that contain sugar and stickiness or are difficult to clean. Eating fruits can improve self cleansing of the ability of the oral cavity to keep the tooth hygiene by means of massage between fibrous foods with teeth, and gums. So that the teeth and gums become cleaner and healthy. Foods that can improve self cleansing include fruits and vegetables. Oranges have high vitamin C and ascorbic acid. Vitamin C can help prevent thrush, swollen and bleeding gums, accelerate recovery, soften the skin, and strengthen the immune system. In addition, vitamin C also helps the absorption of iron. Carotene in citrus fruits can maintain healthy eyes, skin, and help bone formation. Thiamin (vitamin B1) converts carbohydrates into glucose, which acts as a force for the nervous system and brain and reduces the risk of cataracts. In citrus fruit jugaterdapat source of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. Calcium helps the formation of bone dangigi and overcome the problem of blood clotting in addition to calcium also stabilize muscle and nerve reactions. fosforms assist the formation of bones and cheeks. While potassium to maintain healthy blood and brain flow, helps the body’s circulation and improve cell metabolism and brain.

Dental and oral problems in pregnant women, usually include cavities / caries, tartar, gum smear and bad breath. Treatment of dental caries that has not resulted in a hole (white patch), can be cured with fluoride therapy. New caries of pits and fissures on chewable surfaces can be prevented by the pit & fissure sealant, ie the closure of a chewable surface niche with a dental fixture, with the hope that the caries process can be stopped. If the caries has reached email or dentin, it is necessary to do the teeth filling. When caries has been about tooth nerve, dental nerve care is required. The principle of hollow tooth care is to be closed or crushed. The perforated tooth can not heal itself. If this is not done, the caries will get bigger and continue so that the more pain, eventually the tooth is dead and can not be saved so that the tooth should be revoked. Caries can actually be prevented, ie with regular brushes with fluoride toothpaste, especially after breakfast and night before bed. In addition to reducing sweet and sticky foods and check or regular control to the dentist at least every 6 months. The tartar can be prevented by regular and regular cleaning with scalling to the dentist. Bloody gums can be caused by several factors such as the number of tartar or plaque, the habit of brushing teeth is wrong, or using abrasive bristles, and include the habit of drinking alcohol and smoking. Prevention of bleeding gums can be done with regular maintenance such as brushing teeth, using cleaning teeth or mouthwash. In addition, many consume fibrous and juicy foods such as fruits and vegetables.

In principle, the dental and oral health of pregnant women need to be maintained in order to maintain the health condition of mother sertabayi who conceived primarily prepare early on the next generation with the teeth and mouth healthy and perfect.


drg. Laelia Dwi Anggraini, Sp.KGA

UMY Lecturer

Dentist specialist RSGM UMY child

Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No.17 Yogyakarta

drg. Alfini Octavia, Sp.KGA

Dokter gigi anak yang akrab dipanggil drg Fifin atau drg. Alfini ini lahir di Jakarta pada tahun 1974. Dokter gigi yang juga merupakan dosen KG UMY ini merupakan alumni dari pendidikan dokter gigi pada FKG UNPAD dan Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis (PPDGS) FKG UGM. Saat ini, drg. Alfini sedang menempuh pendidikan doktor Thamassat University, Thailand, dengan mengambil topik penelitian mengenai penanganan dental pada pasien anak autisme.

Dokter gigi yang hobbi travelling ini memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam menangani berbagai kasus dental (gigi) pada anak khususnya penanganan gigi pada anak berkebutuhan khusus, penanganan pada gigi berlubang/karies, dan penangan pencegahan maloklusi/gigi berjejal .

Anggota dari International Association for Disability of Oral Health (IADH) ini terkenal sabar dan telaten dalam merawat dan memeriksa pasien anak. Dengan pengalaman beliau sebagai pembicara pada berbagai seminar baik nasional maupun internasional, ketrampilan komunikasi drg. Alfini juga sangat baik dalam memberikan penjelasan mengenai penyakit pasien. Berkonsultasi dan memeriksakan anak anda ke drg. Alfini Octavia., Sp. KGA di RSGM UMY bisa menjadi solusi yang baik untuk masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak anda.

drg. Edwyn Saleh, Sp.BMM, MARS

Dokter gigi yang akrab dipanggil drg Edwyn ini lahir di Sragen pada tahun 1973. Setelah menamatkan studi pendidikan dokter gigi di FKG UGM pada tahun 1995, beliau melanjutkan studi pada Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis (PPDGS) Bedah Mulut FKG UGM dan lulus pada tahun 2018 dan resmi menjadi seorang Dokter Gigi Spesialis Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial.
Dokter gigi yang hobi bersepeda ini mumpuni dalam penanganan berbagai kasus bedah mulut dan maksilofasial, antara lain kegawatdaruratan dental (gigi), pencabutan gigi bungsu (odontektomi), bedah praprostetik, dental implant, operasi bibir sumbing, patah tulang rahang, keganasan (tumor) rahang, special care in dentistry (pengelolaan medically compromised patient), kelainan sendi rahang (temporomandibular disorder) dan berbagai kasus bedah mulut lain, baik yang membutuhkan pembiusan lokal, maupun total.
Dokter gigi yang juga merupakan pengurus wilayah PDGI DIY ini juga memiliki berbagai pengalaman menjadi pemateri pada seminar nasional maupun internasional. Drg. Edwyn juga dikenal sangat detail dalam memberikan penjelasan terkait kondisi pasien, sehingga pasien mendapatkan jawaban memuaskan dan mengurangi kecemasan sebelum pencabutan gigi. Jadi tidak salah bila membutuhkan penanganan terkait bedah mulut, memilih untuk diperiksakan ke drg. Edwyn Saleh., Sp.BMM. Mars.

drg.Trianita Lydianna, M.DSc, Sp.KGA​

Dokter yang akrab dipanggil drg. Lydia ini merupakan kelahiran Palembang, pada tahun 1988. Alumni program combined degree dari PPDGS (Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis) Kedokteran Gigi Anak FKG UGM ini memiliki berbagai pengalaman menangani kasus dental (gigi) pada anak, yaitu penambalan gigi berlubang, pencabutan, kawat gigi pada anak, dan jenis perawatan gigi anak yang lain..
Dokter gigi yang juga merupakan pengurus dari Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI) cabang kotamadya Yogyakarta ini terkenal ramah dan telaten dalam merawat gigi anak. Drg. Lydia siap merawat kesehatan gigi anak anda di RSGM UMY.